
Discover how focused and productive you can be in our designated study spaces. These spaces also allow you to attend Zoom classes when you're on campus.

Did you know you can check out a Chromebook, Microsoft Surface tablet or Windows laptop to use while on campus?

Check out a device with your student ID card in 比灵顿图书馆 or the CoLab for use while in that area. Visit the ASK Desk in the Academic Resource Center (Library 1st floor), the Lending Services Desk in the Library (Library 2nd floor), 或CoLab (ocb100).

CoLab (ocb100)




  • 2台Windows笔记本电脑
  • 24 chrome笔记本



  • 5台Windows笔记本电脑
  • 25 chrome笔记本

Almost every hallway in every building has places for you to sit and study. In addition, there are larger spaces to use. The following rooms will accommodate several students.

Academic Achievement Center (AAC)

  • 自由党107 - 66席


  • OCB 100 - 50个座位
  • ocb102 - 5个座位
  • 台籍干部104 - 10座
  • OCB 107 - 25个座位
  • OCB 120 - 20座

Academic Resource Center Central Space

  • 101年自由 - 52席


  • 201年自由/202 - 96个座位
  • LIB 203/204 - 64个座位

Language Resource Center (LRC)

  • 106年自由 - 10席 

数学资源中心 (MRC)

  • 自由党104 - 52席

Science Resource Center (SRC)

  • 自由党102 - 58席


  • 105年自由 - 12席

我的.星期五.: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

COM lower level - CAV Central
A place where you can study, collaborate in groups or Zoom for a class.

我的.碰头.: 8 a.m.-11 p.m.
星期五.: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 

Attendant available for questions:
我的.,结婚. 和星期五.: 8 a.m.中午
外胎. & 碰头.: 8:15 a.m.-2:15 p.m.

  • 7计算机
  • 无线网络

101年自由 - Academic Resource Center Central Space

  • 12 Windows桌面
  • 1台符合ada标准的PC

LIB 103 - Math/Science Resource Centers

Walk in or request reservation: mrc@sandybb.net or src@sandybb.net

  • 32台Windows桌面
  • 4 big screen monitors with built-in Windows computers and ports for laptop connection
  • 1投影仪

105年自由/105A - 写作中心

Walk in or request reservation at: wcenter@sandybb.net 

  • 105年自由
    • 18 Windows桌面
    • 1 big screen monitor with built-in Windows computer and port for laptop connection
  • 105年自由
    • 21 Windows桌面
    • 1 big screen monitor with built-in Windows computer

106年自由/106A - Language Resource Center

Walk in or request reservation at: aac@sandybb.net 

  • 106年自由
    • 8 Windows桌面
  • 106年自由
    • 8 Windows桌面
    • 1台符合ada标准的PC

自由107 f/107H - Academic Achievement Center

Walk in or request reservation at aac@sandybb.net 

  • 自由107 f
    • 10 Windows桌面
  • 自由107 h
    • 12 Windows桌面
    • 1 video relay station
    • 8 computers with accounting software

LIB 200/202 - 图书馆服务

Walk in or request reservation at: lendingservices@sandybb.net 

  • 49 Windows桌面
  • 3 Mac桌面
  • 2台带扫描仪的电脑
  • 1台符合ada标准的PC

LIB 220 - 图书馆服务

Walk in or request reservation at: lendingservices@sandybb.net 

  • 8 Windows桌面

LIB 371 - MakerLab


Plan ahead and reserve a study room for yourself or your group.

Academic Resource Center Central Space - 在ARC预订一个房间 — These rooms are best for groups of 4-8 students. If you have questions, 请 email wcenter@sandybb.net.

  • 101年自由
    • 8个席位
    • 2白板
  • 自由101 b
    • 8个席位
    • 2白板

Academic Achievement Center (AAC) - 在AAC预订一个房间

  • 自由107 b
    • 4个座位
    • 1 portable whiteboard

Language Resource Center (LRC) - 在LRC预订一个房间

  • 自由106 b
    • 4个座位
    • 2白板
    • 1 big screen monitor with built-in Windows computer and port for laptop connection
  • 自由106 c
    • 1座
    • 1白板
    • 1 Mac桌面
  • 自由106 d
    • 1座
    • 2白板
    • 苹果电脑桌面
  • 自由106 e
    • 1座
    • 2白板
    • 1 Mac桌面
  • 自由106 f
    • 1座
    • 2白板
    • 1 Mac桌面

图书馆服务- Email to request a reservation, lendingservices@sandybb.net (someone will confirm with you via email), or check out the room on-site.

  • 203年自由
    • 4个座位
    • 2白板
    • 1 big screen monitor with built-in Windows computer and port for laptop connection
  • 自由203 b
    • 4个座位
    • 2白板
    • 1 big screen monitor with built-in Windows computer and port for laptop connection

数学资源中心 (MRC) - 在MRC预订一个房间

  • 自由104 b
    • 4个座位
    • 1白板
  • 自由104 c
    • 4个座位
    • 1白板
    • 1 big screen monitor with built-in Windows computer and port for laptop connection
  • 自由104 d
    • 4个座位
    • 1 big screen monitor with built-in Windows computer and port for laptop connection

Science Resource Center (SRC) - 在SRC预订一个房间

  • 102年自由
    • 6个座位
    • 1白板
    • 1 big screen monitor with built-in Windows computer and port for laptop connection
  • 自由102 b
    • 4个座位
    • 1白板
    • 1 big screen monitor with built-in Windows computer and port for laptop connection
  • 自由102 c
    • 4个座位
    • 1白板
    • 1 big screen monitor with built-in Windows computer and port for laptop connection

CoLab - Reserve Room 102 or 104

  • 台籍干部102
    • 10个席位
    • 6白板
    • 1 big screen monitor with built-in Windows computer and port for laptop connection
  • 台籍干部104
    • 5个座位
    • 4白板
    • 1 big screen monitor with built-in Windows computer and port for laptop connection
  • OCB 107 - Email to request a reservation, collaboration@sandybb.net (someone will confirm with you via email), or check out the room on-site.
    • 24个席位
    • 8白板
    • 1投影仪
    • 1 Smart Board with HDMI connection

图书馆服务 Hours 

  • 星期一,12月. 12月11日至周四. 21
    • 周一至周五:上午8点.m. 到5点.m.
    • Saturday-Sunday: 关闭
  • 周五,12月. 1月22日至星期一. 1
    • 关闭
  • 周二,1月. 1月2日至星期日. 14
    • 周一至周五:上午8点.m. 到5点.m.
    • Saturday-Sunday: 关闭


  • 周二,12月. 12
    • 8 a.m. 到5点.m. 对于计算器返回
  • 周三,12月. 1月13日至星期一. 15
    • 关闭


  • 周二,12月. 12
    • 8 a.m. 到5点.m.
  • 周三,12月. 13. 至星期日,一月. 7
    • 关闭

COM Lower Level - CAV Central

A place where you can study, collaborate in groups or Zoom for a class.  A printer is also available.

This space is available when the building is open.



Looking for a specific computer lab?

皇冠体育博彩 has two general use computer labs as well as labs for Fine Arts, CAD and Interior Design students.


 You can find free tutoring services for classes you're taking in our Academic Resource Center.