
Sharpen your writing and editing skills for broad or highly specialized fields. Understand how to analyze a text to uncover the variety of meanings it may hold.

A student stares at a computer screen.

Become a better communicator, a stronger writer, and a well-rounded reader

Composition I and II are required for many degrees and certificate programs at 皇冠体育博彩. Learn all phases of the writing process, from discovering ideas and justifying your points with concise 英语 to editing, 修改, and defending your final document.

After passing Composition I, explore several different options, from 文学 classes such as Shakespeare and Environmental Literature to a variety of creative writing classes and workshops for beginners and more advanced students.

Our specialized writing courses meet multiple needs for working professionals wanting to update their skills. 主题包括:

  • 赠款写作
  • 高级语法和文体
  • 数字故事
  • Writing for Interactive Media
  • 技术写作
  • 高级写作
Explore 皇冠体育博彩's catalog to learn about our 英语 courses

Develop essential communication skills with support from 皇冠体育博彩

Our low tuition rates and transfer agreements make 皇冠体育博彩 a seamless choice. Plus, our class sizes are small and welcoming—no giant lecture halls here!

Enjoy the endless benefits of taking 英语 courses at 皇冠体育博彩, which include:

  • Instructors who are highly trained professors – not graduate teaching assistants – who give personalized feedback designed to help you improve your skills.
  • More discussion with other students in smaller classes, with in-person and online options.
  • Interdisciplinary courses with exposure to experts in history, 艺术历史, 哲学, 心理学, 社会学, 文学, 电影, 政治科学.
  • Course times that fit into your schedule with start times as early as 7 a.m. 直到下午6点.m. We offer both full-semester and short-term composition classes. Online 英语 courses offer even more flexibility. 
  • 心灵之眼, a student-run literary magazine, gives you a chance to publish fiction, poetry and essays as well as art and photography. 了解更多信息, contact Professor Tom Reynolds, faculty advisor for 心灵之眼, at 913-469-8500,分机. 3935.

皇冠体育博彩 offers one of the most dynamic curricula in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Join us for a semester that takes only a few months, with an outcome that lasts a lifetime.


Degrees in 英语 help you develop the kinds of thinking and communications skills that are valuable across a wide variety of careers, including lucrative roles in business and the legal field. Specialized writers can find work in careers like:

  • 格兰特的作家
  • 自由记者
  • 文案
  • 作者
  • 技术作家
  • 公共关系专员
  • 文字编辑

When supervisors seek to hire good employees, they search for candidates who can communicate effectively and empathize with others. 英语 classes can help you improve writing and other skills.

英语是为了“真实的生活”.事实上, corporate giants such as Google and 脸谱网 are placing a higher emphasis on these “soft skills” after years of pressing the importance of “hard skills” such as science and technology.

为什么? As more of our workforce relies on technology, individuals must be able to understand each other, 团队合作, and accept and adapt to diverse points of view. You can gain these key skills by taking 英语 courses and practicing what you learned.

Find employment projections and salary information at the Power BI Post Graduate Report.

For assistance with career decisions, visit the 职业发展中心.

Join other successful 皇冠体育博彩 students 马上申请

需要家庭作业辅导? 没有问题!

皇冠体育博彩 offers free tutoring and course assistance in the 学术资源中心, located in the Library (LIB), first floor.


电话: 913-469-8500,分机. 2203
位置:GEB 165J
电子邮件: abroomfi@sandybb.net